In the last two weeks I have participated in two different Twitter chats. I found both of them VERY overwhelming but very beneficial. I participated in #satchat and #mosnowchat. I found they both had a lot of similarities in both of them. I did find several new people to follow from both chats.
I found that both chats went very quickly. I had a very hard time keeping up with all of the conversations going on. I tried using tweet chat but my computer wasn't loading the comments. I had to continuously hit refresh for that page to work. I did however use TweetDeck for both chats. That did help, but I still had to skip a lot of comments because I couldn't keep up. I realized that I needed to focus on a few different people and went from there. I found the questions offered were great and the responses were good as well.
I like how I got a lot of new/different perspectives on different things. I also loved that I found myself saying "that is so true". Just having that refresher of conversations you don't typically think about or have with others. This brought different things that I need to refocus my energy and time on.
The biggest challenge I found was keeping up. I tried Tweet Chat for both of them and my computer didn't like it either time. I know over time it will get easier as I get use to it.
If TweetChat is giving me problems then I just use TweetDeck or HootSuite.